Will There Really Be A "Morning" ?
結合艾蜜莉‧狄更生深邃的詩意 --感性肢體的真實呈現
《明天的這裡會黎明嗎?》為法國與台灣創作者的美麗相遇。法國編舞家米希恩‧艾維吉兒(Myriam Herve-Gil)與臺灣小劇場天后徐堰鈴於法國相識,兩位著迷偉大詩人艾蜜莉‧狄更生(Emily Dickson)的詩作,深受艾蜜莉低調人生、隱世沉潛的創作詩句所感動──「艾蜜莉書寫方式非常特別,破折號分離文字,詩韻懸浮在空中,音樂及語意交錯,涵義千萬種。」米希恩和徐堰鈴的相遇與談話,促成了這支舞蹈作品的生成。《明天的這裡會黎明嗎?》將以肢體、音樂與語言,加上法國歌手與『舞蹈空間』職業現代舞者,施展艾蜜莉特有的「破折號分離文字」書寫方式,將詩句於舞台上立體幻化出神秘詩人的心影。
編舞及導演/米希恩‧艾維吉兒 Myriam Herve-Gil
Will There Really Be a“Morning”? is an encounter between France and Taiwan. French choreographer, Myriam Herve-Gil, and Taiwanese theatre diva, Hsu Yen-ling, met in France and discovered their mutual passion for Emily Dickson. Dickson's subtle life and metaphoric words influenced the creation of this work, her unique style of using dashes and irregularity enabled the rhyme to float and intertwine with music and meaning that creates numerous enlightenments. The conversation between Myriam and Hsu made this performance possible. Will There Really Be a“Morning”? combines physicality, music and language, demonstrating the enchanting style of Emily Dickson's writing through the professional modern dancers and a French singer.
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